
"The Journey of Healing: More Than Meets the Eye"

Life as a Caregiver: Finding Light in the Midst of Darkness   Life can change in an instant. One moment, everything seems normal, and the next, your entire world is turned upside down. That’s what happened to me and my family when Tobias, our now 25-year-old son suffered a sudden aneurysm. In a heartbeat, our lives were forever changed, and we entered a new reality that was both challenging and unexpected. But through this journey, we have found light — in the strength of our family, the dedication of therapists, the support of a loving assistant, and the guidance of our Heavenly Father. In this blog, I want to share our story, our challenges, and the beauty that has come from the darkest of times. It’s a story of love, resilience, and the healing that doesn’t always come in the way we expect. My hope is that by sharing our experiences, I can inspire others who may be going through similar trials and remind them that healing can come in many forms.   The Day Everything Changed The day

" A Journey of emotional changes while healing a brain"

Nurturing Love Through Adversity: " A Journey of emotional changes while healing a brain"   DEUTSCHE VERSION UNTEN :) A Heartwarming Beginning Tobi has not cried once since day X. Not that I have seen him, at least. One of his very first sentence was spoken in October 2021. It happened with the strongest emotions of our son, he would only be able to communicate, when guided by emotions. Two full month without a word of Tobias, but then one afternoon. Tyler said "Tobias, I love you" - suddenly, Tobias answered: "I love you, too". Crazy, we could not believe our ears. He was not able to repeat it again for a long time. He must have been trying so hard to talk to us day in day out. From that moment on, I went to him all the time and said: Hey, Tobias, I love you, too!!!! ;)   I got eye movements instead. It made me still happy and grateful to know, Tobias is in there and working hard to communicate. Lots has changed since then. Many miracles have been placed

"Why old friends and family are so important after a brain injury"

( DEUTSCHE VERSION - WEITER UNTEN) Why Old Friends Are So Important After A Brain Injury?   When someone we care about experiences a life-altering event like a brain injury, it can be challenging to know how to support them. This is especially true when the person in question is a young adult, like my 24-year-old son Tobias who suffered a frontal lobe hemorrhage on the right side. A pretty bad area to have a bleed to be honest.    Yet, in these challenging times, the importance of old friends cannot be overstated, I have noticed. Since making new memories are challenging, the only once who make sense to Tobias are the memories before 08/2021. At times it feels like that he is stuck.    The Power of Familiarity   After a brain injury, the world can seem like a confusing and unfamiliar place for the affected individual. They may struggle with memory loss, cognitive function, or emotional regulation. In such a scenario, the presence of old friends – faces and voices that are familiar – ca

Im Heute im Jetzt - unser tägliches Leben :)

Leben im Moment: Lektionen aus dem Alltag Die tägliche Pflege eines geliebten Menschen kann sich anfühlen wie eine einsame Achterbahnfahrt - man muss immer präsent sein, Krankenscheine gibt es nicht und Urlaub ist ein Fremdwort. Wie gehen pflegende Angehörige damit um? Aus meiner eigenen Erfahrung kann ich sagen, dass die Motivation ständig schwankt. Selbstpflege spielt dabei eine entscheidende Rolle. Sie lehrt uns, wieder auf uns selbst zu achten, um Kraft und Energie zu finden, unsere Aufgaben zu erfüllen. Als junge Mutter von drei Kindern fand ich kaum Zeit für mich selbst. Wo liegt der Unterschied? Diese Frage führt mich zu einer Schriftstelle aus der Bibel: "Du sollst den Herrn, deinen Gott, lieben mit ganzem Herzen, mit ganzer Seele und mit all deinen Gedanken. Das ist das wichtigste und erste Gebot. Ebenso wichtig ist das Zweite: Du sollst deinen Nächsten lieben wie dich selbst." (Matthäus 22,34–40) Wer Verstand erwirbt, liebt sich selbst. Wer Einsicht bewahrt, findet