" A Journey of emotional changes while healing a brain"
Nurturing Love Through Adversity: " A Journey of emotional changes while healing a brain" DEUTSCHE VERSION UNTEN :) A Heartwarming Beginning Tobi has not cried once since day X. Not that I have seen him, at least. One of his very first sentence was spoken in October 2021. It happened with the strongest emotions of our son, he would only be able to communicate, when guided by emotions. Two full month without a word of Tobias, but then one afternoon. Tyler said "Tobias, I love you" - suddenly, Tobias answered: "I love you, too". Crazy, we could not believe our ears. He was not able to repeat it again for a long time. He must have been trying so hard to talk to us day in day out. From that moment on, I went to him all the time and said: Hey, Tobias, I love you, too!!!! ;) I got eye movements instead. It made me still happy and grateful to know, Tobias is in there and working hard to communicate. Lots has changed since then. Many miracles have been placed ...