Tobias's Journey: A Story of Resilience and Strength

Over the past several months, Tobias has been on a remarkable journey. He's gone through a variety of therapies, including occupational therapy, speech therapy, multiple types of physical therapy, and even robotic therapy, to relearn how to walk. His perseverance and determination have been nothing short of inspiring.

Tobias has also been receiving Spanish tutoring, a choice driven by his sincere desire to keep up with the language. Despite the physical constraints that challenge him, his spirit remains unbroken. He's begun to express his frustrations, a sign that he's coming to terms with his current circumstances.

Although he is still grappling with his physical limitations, he doesn't let them define him. He yearns to learn, even though his ability to concentrate is somewhat hindered. However, he's found solace and success in numbers, with his strong mathematical aptitude providing a boost to his morale.

Tobias's social life, once quite vibrant, has changed, of course. Nevertheless, after not being able to communicate with his friends, he is now able to do so and is so excited about it. He's started to text his friends, expressing his affection by telling them how much they mean to him. These messages, filled with love and longing, can be difficult for some to understand or respond to, given the drastic shift in his life.

Even so, Tobias is making progress and continually improving. The pace of his recovery may not align with the speed of life for others, but that doesn't bring him down. Maybe sometimes he is a young man who has so many goals in life. His writing, although a bit scattered at times due to cognitive challenges, is a testament to his efforts to engage with the world again. His writing is getting better from month to month.

We are immensely proud of Tobias. We see his potential, his loneliness, his creativity, and his ambition. His journey is far from over. It's a tightrope walk, a delicate balance of adjusting medications and managing physical therapies, and today, a CT scan awaits him to rule out any possible complications. Despite it all, we remain hopeful and entirely devoted to helping him get back on his feet. We look forward to the day when he can once again stand tall, both literally and metaphorically. He has two to three hours of therapy a day, plus what we do at home.

As we navigate this journey together, we find comfort and even a bit of humor in considering a future where Tobias might study math instead of biotechnology. After all, it's in the numbers where he finds success and happiness right now since this part of his brain is very healthy, and perhaps even a hint of the 'normalcy' he's fighting so hard to regain. We rented a neurofeedback device after very intensive research and hope that another approach might support Tobias on his journey. He is not a fan of all those extra things I do. For him, it is not science; he calls it pseudo-science. Tobias and I always had heavy discussions before he had the brain hemorrhage about science and pseudo-science. He is a black-and-white guy with a soft spot for my outside-the-box actions. LOL



  1. It is amazing to watch his progress, I really enjoy talking with him on FaceTime and am amazed at his texting skills.
    Katja and Tyler your strength & fortitude are commendable. I love you all so much.


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