Tobias new adventure: "Understanding Neurofeedback: An Effective Treatment for Stroke Recovery"

  1. "Understanding Neurofeedback: An Effective Treatment for Stroke Recovery"

    Hello dear readers,✋😍

    I'm sharing with you today our recent journey into the world of Neurofeedback, a treatment approach we've embarked on with Tobias, following his brain hemorrhage. We're hopeful that this could make a significant difference in his recovery, and I wanted to share some insights about this promising therapy. I also wanted to tell you something rather funny. Tobias is all about science, (that's while his plan was to get his P.H.D. in Biotechnology) we always had heavy discussions about alternative treatments. 
    As I suggested Neurofeedback, it required lots of talking with him. Tobias responded: Its all Pseudo-science and laughed. He agreed, that I can try it on him :).

    Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback where real-time displays of brain activity are used to teach self-regulation of brain function1. It's been clinically proven effective in treating symptoms following a stroke, helping many patients increase independence and improve their quality of life2. Still, there is in my opinion more study to do on the real effect on Neurofeedback. Why: It did show success, but not enough that a health insurance would cover it due to scientific prove, it needs to be tried on a broader audience and larger number of people, perhaps.

    The past few weeks have been rough, with weak muscles, a cold, two times to the hospital for the change of medication, a CT and filling up the baclofen pump. Tobias now fights cold which makes things more challenging. But we're determined, and despite the hurdles, we've managed to reduce some medication and are now preparing to start over.

    One of the great things about neurofeedback is that it requires little physical effort from the patient. As Tobias sits back and relaxes, his brain is being trained. The technology targets specific parts of the brain based on individual profiles and needs3, essentially doing "physical therapy" for the brain.

    Research has shown that neurofeedback can help improve motor skills and cognitive functions4. Functional recovery typically occurs in about 95% of stroke patients within the first 12.5 weeks (~3 months) following neurofeedback treatment5.

    But the benefits of neurofeedback extend beyond just stroke recovery. I will be using it as well and very excited about it. My goal is to relax more and for my brain to learn to go less in to the panic mood when something changes. (Like Tobias starting with a cold ) That means, Neurofeedback. is a versatile tool that can help in various aspects of life. From managing stress and anxiety to improving focus and sleep quality, neurofeedback offers a non-invasive way to better understand and regulate our brain function.

    As we continue on this journey with Tobias, we're optimistic about the potential improvements we'll see with neurofeedback. It's a testament to how far we've come in understanding the brain and finding ways to aid its recovery after injury. Crazy, but true, we came so far and we will see so much more in rehabilitating people with brain injuries. Tobias came so far already, in only 2.5 years. His new memory is improving a great deal, his attention and motivation to take over some of the daily routines as well. I am blown away by some of his unexpected reactions throughout the day at times, the things he says and wants to talk about. I wish I would have the camera always ready to go to show the world, but it often just happens as part of our daily life and fast. Two weeks ago, it was hard to imagine, that Tobias would ever use the toilet without the help of strong medicine, alternatively, I started to give him a white plumb, problem disappeared. Tobias regained a function back, permanently :). (after 2 years ..)

    Remember, every journey begins with a single step. And for us, that step is embracing the potential of neurofeedback. We're hopeful for what the future holds and will be sure to keep you updated on our progress.

    Stay tuned, and as always, thank you for your support.


    1. NIH




    5. NCBI

      We also try to raise money for a good friend, a single mom who needs help at this point of her life. Here is a link:


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