
Showing posts from February, 2023

The miracles under the rubble

Speech Therapy & 🙌 A Sunny Tomorrow The way people look at me when I tell them that Tobias will get back to his life and finish his education is priceless. Why do we often let fears control our lives? We are limiting ourselves. One thing we were constantly bothered about: Tobias always said, " I am the best," and let us all know how great he was. We got irritated and wondered why he needed to talk like this. Tobias always had a great sense of humor, which I only sometimes got; moreover, it was the Tobias we love. He has a pure heart, a rough personality, and lots of humor. 

Not to let worries get in our way

    F inding a way to stay in the moment N ot to let worries get in our way   F ocusing on how to make today awesome and learning to be good to ourselves while giving up a life we once knew             I t has been a while since our last update. It also has been a while since my last entry in English. I apologize in advance for any funny mistakes. I started with the upcoming updates in the summer or late summer of 2021. Thanks for coming back to read our blog about Tobias and his recovery story.