Day 36 (Sep 30)

Bottom line: Yesterday evening we thought Tobias was in danger of a re-bleed. The nurses and doctor rushed to his room to check on him and in the end he had another CT scan to view the blood in his brain. He ended up being okay and the doctor wasn't sure why he had shown the symptoms that looked dangerous. Today was a calm day. Tobias' vital signs were all in safe ranges and he opened his eyes more than yesterday, but he is still too drowsy to participate meaningfully in his therapies. Detail: I mentioned in an earlier blog that comparing this experience to a roller coaster ride is unfair to roller coasters. This experience is more similar to the ruthless carnival ride that spins so fast that the riders' heads are pressed sideways against the backing grate. Last night after the best day we've had for weeks, the ride spun out of control again. Tobias had a calm day, successfully transitioned to breathing through his nose with the trache capped an...